Orladno gay bar shooting

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Two days after the Orlando shooting, a video titled “Statistics on Sodomites,” was uploaded, showing Jimenez rejecting the idea of gay marriage due, in part, to alleged statistics on how many sexual partners gay people have in their lifetime. The church’s YouTube page features dozens of Jimenez’s sermons and speeches. The website also notes that gay people are not allowed to attend services at the Baptist Church.

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Verity Baptist Church’s website’s reads, “We believe that sodomy (homosexuality) is a sin and an abomination before God which God punishes with the death penalty.”

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If you come to our churches, you are not going to hear any message full of homophobia or animosity.” history, about 50 people were killed and dozens more wounded when a lone gunman opened fire in an Orlando gay club around 2 A.M., police said Sunday. I will not only respect my fellow man, I will love you. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, told The Sacramento Bee. “I condemn his entire presentation,” Rev. Dear #PastorRogerJimenez 'Owe no one anything except to love each other for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.' – Romans 13:8.

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